Tuesday, July 26, 2011

........... I'm Back :)

Well I can't believe it's now been over a year since my last post but in my defence (read excuse) a lot has happened. We moved house, Chris and i (finally) got married and Chris has a new job working interstate and o/s. Needless to say we have been busy. But life goes on and in the meantime I have attempted to sporadically photograph our adventures.

The kids and i were 'home alone' for the recent school holidays so with most of our friends and family away we had to make our own fun. Here are some pics of what we got up to.........

Morrocan style cubby in the backyard

Making artworks for Dad for his birthday

Friday, June 4, 2010

Roadtrip to Uluru

Well, we're back from our epic roadtrip to Uluru: 7,800 km's and 4 States (well 3 and 1 Territory) in 18 days, PHEW! We all had an awesome time in the Northern Territory exploring Alice Springs, the West MacDonnell Ranges, Uluru and the Olga's.

Photography wise it was stunning although I also had some challenges, especially when it began raining the morning afer we arrived at Uluru and then stayed with us for the rest of the trip.

The kids had a ball on the walks, especially the Kings Canyon rim walk and around parts of Uluru (in the rain). What a magical place, I'm already thinking about our next trip.

Beautiul strong blue sky contrasting with the orange boulders
and Little B attempting to squash Big C.

Playground at the Araluen Cultural Centre, Alice Springs.

Wycliffe Well, UFO Capital of Australia.

The Devils Marbles, N.T.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dilemmas of long exposures

This week i've been experimenting with taking shots of the kids while they are asleep with very mixed results. This first image had an exposure of 4 seconds as I left the light on outside their room. The light has cast a strong shadow on the wall which looks unnatural, and the colour cast by the light looks cold and bluish.

This image was taken in the dark on a long exposure. Little B started moving around as you can see by the ghosty look of his face and legs. I quite like the effect but the exposure still wasn't long enough to render a correctly exposed, sharp image even though it was exposed for 74 seconds. I used f22 to try for a sharp shot however long exposures on the bulb setting incur a lot of noise and this one is quite grainy when viewed larger. Another unsucessful attempt although the colour is much warmer and nicer.

Perhaps the nicest image is pre sleep as the kids are having a goodnight kiss. No long exposures to contend with but the angle of the bunk bed base is a bit of a worry. 1/60th sec, f 3.5, 640 iso.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Silhouette and Shape

Big C, Silhouette on trampoline.
I've been conciously thinking about taking images from different design and compositional perspectives and came up with the idea of shooting the kids jumping on a trampoline while I was lying underneath. I like the idea of silhouette photography where the subject is implied through shape rather than detail.

Big C, Little B on trampoline.

Aaron Siskind was an "influential American teacher, editor, and photographer who is best known for his innovations in abstract photography" http://www.britannica/. Siskind photographed peeling paint in close-up, investigating its texture and shape and also did a famous series called Pleasures and terrors of levitation where he captured divers in mid air emphasising "the abstract quality of their twisting shapes by isolating them against the sky's light" http://www.bw-photography.net/.

Monday, April 26, 2010

A bucket full of fun

Kids are great at improvisation. Give them a bucket of water and they can have loads of fun just splashing and generally making a lot of racket. Little B thought it was great fun dunking his head and Big C was all too happy to lend a helping hand.

The great thing about photographing kids is that they are full of life and constantly moving around providing lots of opportunity for fun, impromptu images. This movement also provides its own challenges, especially when low light requires the use of long exposures or a high ISO. Ideally I dont like shooting much above 500 ISO as any enlargement really starts to shows grain. Sometimes this is inevitable like tonight when we were shooting at dusk, in low light. This shot was taken at the extremes of my ideal settings. F 5.0 @ 1/100th sec, 640 ISO.

A bucket of water provides a recipe for splashing, dancing, chasing, screaming, running, laughter and general chaos.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

When pillow fights go bad.......

This is a funny little sequence of action images that shows how kids always like to push things just that bit too far.................

Big C lines Little B up for a good one

Ohhhhhh. I think I got him a bit too good

Here comes the waterworks :(
Note Big C in the background looking suitably chagrinned.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Yesterday morning we had lotsa fun blowing bubbles in the backyard which was entertaining but also proved quite difficult to shoot. I had planned to try some closely cropped shots with large bubbles in the foreground & the kids faces in the background. Note to self: bubbles, like children, are unpredictable! They move too fast to focus on and constantly refocusing often led to both bubbles and kids being out of focus. Plus the lens kept getting covered in bubble goo!

Also I find the trees and fence other stuff are quite distracting in backyard shoots but as time constraints meant we had to stay home I used a short focal length of f4, to blur the background as much as possible. Of the 80 plus shots I took I only really like a few.

Click on the images to view larger.

Wishing you all a wonderfully relaxing weekend. x

Love those bright rainbow colours

The bigger the bubbles the bigger the eyes

Little B looks like he's blowing bubbles out his nose. Wouldn't be the first time!