Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Silhouette and Shape

Big C, Silhouette on trampoline.
I've been conciously thinking about taking images from different design and compositional perspectives and came up with the idea of shooting the kids jumping on a trampoline while I was lying underneath. I like the idea of silhouette photography where the subject is implied through shape rather than detail.

Big C, Little B on trampoline.

Aaron Siskind was an "influential American teacher, editor, and photographer who is best known for his innovations in abstract photography" http://www.britannica/. Siskind photographed peeling paint in close-up, investigating its texture and shape and also did a famous series called Pleasures and terrors of levitation where he captured divers in mid air emphasising "the abstract quality of their twisting shapes by isolating them against the sky's light"

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