Monday, April 26, 2010

A bucket full of fun

Kids are great at improvisation. Give them a bucket of water and they can have loads of fun just splashing and generally making a lot of racket. Little B thought it was great fun dunking his head and Big C was all too happy to lend a helping hand.

The great thing about photographing kids is that they are full of life and constantly moving around providing lots of opportunity for fun, impromptu images. This movement also provides its own challenges, especially when low light requires the use of long exposures or a high ISO. Ideally I dont like shooting much above 500 ISO as any enlargement really starts to shows grain. Sometimes this is inevitable like tonight when we were shooting at dusk, in low light. This shot was taken at the extremes of my ideal settings. F 5.0 @ 1/100th sec, 640 ISO.

A bucket of water provides a recipe for splashing, dancing, chasing, screaming, running, laughter and general chaos.

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