Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Our Easter Weekend

Kids can be so funny. Sometimes they say and do things that make you question what bloody gooseberry bush they were hatched under!! Big C was standing on the kitchen benchtops (as she does) looking through the cupboards for something to eat and pulled out a packet of sultanas and was staring at it quite preplexed. "I don't get it", she says, "its a packet of sultanas, so why are there pictures of grapes on it?"

Easter Monday we all went to Crystal Castle and the kids had a ball running around the playground, going on a rainforest walk, getting their faces painted and navigating the labyrinth.

Took lots of images in both B & W and colour and the painted faces certainly added visual interest.

Preparing to leap.

In this shot I had the camera set on shutter priority as I wanted Little B's face in sharp focus whilst still showing a bit of movement. The camera kept automatically exposing for the sky so I added some fill flash to correctly expose the kids faces, erasing the shadows. Exposure taken at F9 @ 1/125sec, 35mm, 200ISO.

Big C leads Little B through the dark bamboo path

I like the way Little B is looking a bit nervous, it adds tension and drama. I darkened this up a bit and bumped up the contrast in photoshop for extra oomph. This image would not have been nearly as moody if taken in colour.

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