Saturday, April 17, 2010


Yesterday morning we had lotsa fun blowing bubbles in the backyard which was entertaining but also proved quite difficult to shoot. I had planned to try some closely cropped shots with large bubbles in the foreground & the kids faces in the background. Note to self: bubbles, like children, are unpredictable! They move too fast to focus on and constantly refocusing often led to both bubbles and kids being out of focus. Plus the lens kept getting covered in bubble goo!

Also I find the trees and fence other stuff are quite distracting in backyard shoots but as time constraints meant we had to stay home I used a short focal length of f4, to blur the background as much as possible. Of the 80 plus shots I took I only really like a few.

Click on the images to view larger.

Wishing you all a wonderfully relaxing weekend. x

Love those bright rainbow colours

The bigger the bubbles the bigger the eyes

Little B looks like he's blowing bubbles out his nose. Wouldn't be the first time!

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