Thursday, March 25, 2010

Photography Style

On the telephone, 1928, Alexander Rodchenko

Big C, Little B, Nintendo DS.

Experimenting with angles Rodchenko style. Rodchenko was one of the first photographers to capture subjects from different perspectives, examining familiar subjects from different points of view to challenge our perception of the everyday.

Just in case you thought it was all sunshine and light, Little B in a time out for pouring water all over the rug.

"Why'd you do it Little B, that was naughty"
"I didn't do it"
"But i saw you do it Little B"
"I didn't do it"
"Go to your room and stay there till you can behave nicely"
"Whatever mum".

Like the sepia effect on Little B's hands

Today has been a day for experimenting in photoshop. Woke up thinking about Picasso faces and so took some images of Big C's face and mashed 'em up. Contemplating whether or not to continue in the black and white style i originally wanted or possibly to go colour. Decisions, decisions. We got carried away and were late for school :)

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