Monday, March 29, 2010

Photography style

Image by Brenda Ann Kenneally - 1st prize, Daily Life Stories, World Press Photo 2008

When choosing a subject for my photography project I started thinking about photo essays I had seen that really captured my attention and I remembered quite vividly, this series of images from the World Press Photo website. It documents the daily life of a working single mother of seven children in the US and for me, this is the most memorable and interesting image and could quite easily stand alone. Some of the images when viewed on their own are quite average in creative or artistic style, as part of a series however, the photographer has captured an intimate and moving insight into how many families in the the worlds leading country actually live.

While my family is not in the same situation as this one, It lead me to contemplate how my children coexist and hence, an idea for the project was born. I began taking the images in Black and White, because for me, the style, the timelessness and the drama which a great B & W image conveys are so striking. Having said that, I am now contemplating changing to colour for this project as afterall I am capturing children and if nothing alse - children are wonderfully colourful in every sense of the world. I shall endeavour to continue shooting the series in both B & W and colour and decide later on which style better suits the subject.

Here's the link to the World Press Photo site. The images they present are sometimes confronting, often thought provoking and always stunning.

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